More lucky timing for my Sims 4 “24 While 24” Checklist Challenge! I have auto-age turned on for all households in my game, which means they grow and make weird choices all on their own when I’m not looking.

For example, at one point, Morgan became a sad firefighter. I found out when they stopped by Henry’s school and stood in the bathroom for no reason.
As I played Henry, he kept getting the “Sad” moodlet from “death of a loved one,” but the game never told me who died. The first time I investigated, it was one of the horses from the previous household. After that, I just assumed it was another pet, or the Meat Wall, or something.
Imagine my surprise and sadness to discover Morgan Spline passed away. RIP, my sweet non-binary Sim! I originally made Morgan as a disposable Sim to play a Scenario, but I fell immediately in love and used them to start a new legacy.
Meanwhile, as Henry leveled up his Spellcasting ability, he learned the dedeathify and necrocall spells. Very handy, that!
First I had to find Morgan’s tombstone. This took longer than it should have, because it was “hiding” inside a stack of three other horse tombstones. Once I had the tombstone, I had Henry cast the necrocall spell to summon Morgan’s ghost.

Next, I had Henry cast dedeathify on Morgan. When it worked, Henry paused to smirk for a moment. I let him. This seemed like a valid time to gloat.

Then Henry gave Morgan a big “welcome back from the dead” hug.

Who knew it could be so easy!