I’m so excited, I finally unlocked the Sims 4 Meat Wall! I have been working on this for several real-world weeks.
But first, let’s fast-forward through some quick updates.
This sequence of screenshots depicts an event the game calls, “Survive the Blow-Out.”

Henry aged up into an adorable toddler with the traits Hates Bedtime, Angelic, Happy Infant, Loves Books, and Loves Being Carried.
The nanny system finally went completely haywire. Morgan and Henry went to the park, and when they returned, eight different nannies arrived to help.

I’d had enough! I dismissed all of the nannies, and crossed my fingers hoping it would work. (It did.)
Morgan had to keep working at this point, because the Meat Wall is gated behind a career achievement. This raised the issue of who would care for Henry while Morgan was at work.

I used the Sims 4 “Play with Genetics” system to create a full-grown twin sister for Morgan. Meet Charlotte! She’s in between jobs, so she’s moving in with Morgan to take care of the baby for a little while.
The family was already starting to outgrow their current home, and I was worried the nannies might come back. So I took a pause to build them a whole entire new home.
In browsing floor plans for the new Splines home, I learned about a new trend in home building. Multi-generational houses are “home-in-a-home” setups which feature a separate suite or small apartment inside the main house. You can use the separate suite to house an elderly family member, set up as office space, or rent out on AirBNB.
I went with the Liberation floor plan from Lennar. This massive beast has 6 bedrooms, 4.5 baths, and includes room decoration ideas. Perfect!
I spent most of this week building their new house on a large lot in Oasis Springs.

The separate suite is the left side of the first floor. It has a door into the main space, and a separate entryway. The original plans called for two separate garages. Since we don’t have cars in Sims 4, I converted these to living spaces.

The second floor is all main house, and includes a bunch of unfinished rooms for the family to grow into.

Move-in day! I’m particularly pleased with the big rectangle of suspiciously-green grass up front. It’s a real “desert suburbs” vibe.
But enough with the updates, let’s talk about the Meat Wall!

Technically called Cruelty-Free Meat, the Meat Wall comes with the Eco Lifestyle expansion pack. To unlock the Meat Wall, have your Sim get a job as a Civil Designer. When they get to level 4, select the Green Technician career path. The Meat Wall unlocks when they get promoted to level 5, Design Guru.
(Or you can cheat. I didn’t, but no judgment if you want to!)

You can only grow the Meat Wall in the A-OK Boomer Vertical Planter.
Here are some facts about the Meat Wall:
- You have to water it regularly.
- You can name your Meat Wall.
- You can grow the Meat Wall indoors.
- You can massage the Meat Wall to improve its quality. (Or so I have read – I haven’t had this option yet.)
- Your Meat Wall takes two days to mature. After that point, you can harvest “faux-meat cubes” from it once per day.
- You can sell faux-meat cubes, eat them raw (not recommended), cook with them, or put them in the fridge to use later.
- Vegetarians can eat the faux-meat cubes, but they cannot be used as a meat replacement. However, a vegetarian dish made with faux-meat cubes from the Meat Wall still qualifies as vegetarian.
- Morgan gets a hilarious negative moodlet whenever they work with the Meat Wall.

Your Sim harvests the Meat Wall by shaving it with a butcher knife.

I put ours in the front hall, so it’s one of the first things visitors see when they enter the house.

(Chanting) Meat! Wall! Meat! Wall!
Oh, my goodness! This is so funny! It’s always something wild with the service sims haha! Also, I’ve never heard of the meat wall before today so thank you for sharing something new with me! 🙂
The meat wall is disgusting! I love it so much!