Things started out festive, with a Winterfest celebration complete with Father Winter showing up to hand out presents and hang out for a while. If he minded spending time in their cramped tiny home, he didn’t say anything.

Cooper even got a selfie with Father Winter! I’m jealous.

Cooper and Darren are getting along great, despite her constant need for attention and reassurance. (Girl, same.)

The tiny home boosts and the Romantic lot trait did their job, and Cooper and Darren soon shared their first kiss.

And you know what comes next!

Cooper and Darren were really taking off as vloggers. Between the two of them, they are earning almost $1,000 a day on residual income from their videos.
I used some of that money as a capital investment on better lighting for their video production station.

I also bought a drone, which I lost within the day. (Sent it out to record the neighborhood and it never came back. Apparently this is a thing.)

So I bought the nicer drone, and renamed it, and crossed my fingers this one wouldn’t get lost as easily.
Note: I lost it two days later, when I forgot to put it in Cooper’s inventory before sending her home from the bar. I have chosen to think of drones as “consumable items.”

Soon, Cooper was pregnant and miserable. She had a lot of trouble with morning sickness, and constantly had to go to the bathroom RIGHT NOW.
Then it was time for the big event! I’m not sure I’ve ever actually had a baby in The Sims 4. If I did, I must have had a home birth, because the process of giving birth in the hospital was new to me.

Cooper laid down inside the big machine, which whirred and fussed and eventually used its robot arms to extract a baby from her belly through the ports on the side. Just like real life!

And here he is, the newest Spline, little baby Elliot!

How in the WORLD am I going to fit a crib into their tiny home? Do they have enough money to move to a bigger place? Stay tuned to find out!