I haven’t felt much like playing Sims 4 in the past pandemic or so. But when they released Cottage Living, I had to at least give it a try. I mean, it’s like they created it specifically for me. The least I can do is check it out, right?
I decided to start fresh with a new Sim. Meet Audrey Spline. Her traits are Creative, Squeamish, Collector, and Maker. Her Aspiration is Country Caretaker.

I set her up in the pre-made Cordelia’s Secret Cottage lot. So cute!

There’s so much new stuff to do, and I’m not sure if it’s from the cottagecore expansion or just some random DLC I bought and never played. Same difference, I guess.
To start, I told her to “Bask in the Light Rays.” I didn’t know what would happen, which is a little thrilling for someone like myself who has played the Sims franchise since the year 2000 (in other words a million billion years ago).

Huh. Okay.
Next I spent $350 of her remaining $708 on a hen and a rooster because CHICKENS.

You can feed the chickens, socialize them, bake treats for them, and give them names. I couldn’t decide on names. Suggestions welcome in the comments!
Next, Audrey was getting hungry for breakfast. I checked out the refrigerator and the stove and found out there’s nothing she can fix for herself there. That’s… inconvenient.
Her only recourse was to leave the lot to find food, or to order delivery. There’s a Grubhub-style service which is wildly expensive, just like real life.
I didn’t feel like sending her out to find food, so I ordered her a bowl of clam chowder. It cost $32 including the $10 delivery fee. This checks out.

When the delivery arrived, Audrey introduced herself to the delivery driver and chatted for a moment. As they talked, I got the notice that “No one was around, so we left your delivery on your lot.” This game is so realistic!
Audrey sat down at her patio table to dig into her delicious breakfast delivery chowder.

So, Audrey, how is your breakfast delivery clam chowder? Was it worth the $32?

NOTE: I originally named her Allegra, after Byron’s illegitimate and short-lived daughter. Then in the middle of the night I woke up with the sudden realization I had accidentally named her after an allergy medication. Thus the name change.
I thought it was because she looks a bit like Audrey Hepburn.
A happy coincidence!