The Romance Festival hit this week. Audrey didn’t have a sweetie in mind, but I didn’t want her to have a terrible Romance Festival, so I had her give this random dude a flower.
He was so thrilled by her gift that I hope he doesn’t become a problem. Do they have “nice guy” stalkers in The Sims 4? I hope not.Have I mentioned how much I love that you can cross stitch anywhere, while chatting with people and watching television? It’s amazing.She finished this cross stitch shortly after I snapped this pic. I had the option to either sell it outright for $151, or list it on Plopsy for a $5 fee. Obviously I went with Plopsy, because Plopsy is all around the funniest thing this franchise has ever created.
But, sorry, I’ve buried the lede! I BOUGHT A LLAMA. Isn’t he handsome???
You can talk to the llama, and ask him for advice, and discuss world politics, and when he gets dirty he gets sad, but he likes it when you brush him.I haven’t decided what to name him yet. I love him. Can’t wait to use his wool for Audrey’s cross stitch projects!
Let’s finish out with a fashion show. I made five Everyday and five Cold Weather outfits for Audrey.
I’m going for kind of a “female David Rose” aesthetic for Audrey.