Holy Freezer Bunny, have I been sick this week. I came down with a violent case of food poisoning, and the entire week is gone. Now I know how Audrey feels, since I reverted to the previous save and undid her entire marriage and everything. (Cassette-tape-rewinding-noise.)
First I had to set her some outfits, since it was summer again. I decided to go with more of an Alexis Rose theme for this season.

Then, since her day was nearly over, I had her putter around a bit. She collected honey from her beehive.

And recreated the cross stitch she finished on the other timeline.

Since I’ve been sick, I bought myself a few content packs. You know what they say is best for food poisoning: rest, fluids, and DLC.
I made Audrey a cute little laundry nook behind her front door. I could have built her a laundry room, but I love her tiny little cottage the way it is (for now).

I also changed the settings so each season lasts 14 days. The default 7 days was feeling rushed with regards to the seasonal gardening mechanic.
The next day I sent Audrey down to the local pub to mix and mingle. She initiated a flirty interaction with this?? guy???

HO-NEY. Townie Sims are famous for having weird fashion sense, but even so, this guy really outdid himself.
Also, his name is Peppino Lemus. Let that sink in.
I panned the camera out and…

No socks. For some reason, that’s what finally did me in. NO SOCKS.
I had to know more.

I invited him over to chat the next day. (Please ignore the rearranged laundry machines in the background, I went through a few iterations of that layout before I found one I liked. This screenshot was taken before the final version up top.)
His hot weather outfit is no less heinous, I have no words. I can’t decide if I want to kidnap him and give him a makeover, or kidnap everyone else and make THEM over with HIS fashion sense. Truly an icon.

Every one of these cross stitch patterns is a delight.
I am laughing so hard!!!!