It was Geraint‘s birthday. I bought them a cake and they threw a mini-party, without any outside attendees. There were just too many babies crying to invite people over. Maybe for the next birthday.

Geraint’s first wish as a child was to take a fishing class. Well okay – knock yourself out, kiddo.

Meanwhile back at home, once Geraint grew up, Hannah had a wish to have A TOTAL OF TEN CHILDREN. Well I don’t know about that. Let’s see how we’re doing.

The garden is completely dead.

Chuck is teaching himself the xylophone, like some kind of feral child. Actually the xylophone and the peg box are the only things these kids have learned. Who has time to potty train a toddler, under these circumstances?

Delphine is playing with the dollhouse, which when you’re a toddler mostly involves eating the dolls.

Alex is about to be fed on the floor, while Hannah daydreams about taking a shower uninterrupted.

And everyone forgot to let Blue out of her crib. She’s been playing by herself in there all morning.
Sorry, Hannah. I’m canceling that wish.