I had been looking forward to Henry’s birthday for a while. Playing a teen Sim unlocks a whole new chunk of content from the High School Years expansion pack that I was excited to explore.
I planned a birthday party and invited as many Sims as I could. As soon as the party started and the guests arrived, Chestnut walked into the house, pooped on the kitchen floor one last time, and died.

You know what ruins the vibe? Horse kitchen birthday party death, that’s what.
Everyone cried, including the other horse.

Father Winter and the Grim Reaper both attended Henry’s birthday party. They shared a wordless moment as if making a silent connection about the bittersweet duality of existence and how joy and pain are integral to the human experience.

Or maybe I’m reading too much into it. Maybe Father Winter just wanted to show the Grim Reaper what he made with the modeling clay, which seems to be: A lump. Good job.
Burdened by four separate Sad moodlets, Henry ate his birthday cake alone.

Based on his random new outfit, it seems Henry will be going through a grunge phase as a teen. To try and make up for his terrible birthday party, I gave his bedroom a significant makeover.

I guess he liked it. It’s hard to tell. He’s just so dang sad.
I also adopted a new horse for the family.

Meet Hush Puppy, a bad-tempered elderly stallion with behavioral problems and unusual markings. It looks like he’s wearing thigh-high riding boots! How ironic.