The birthday dance party that wasn’t

Henry’s next acting gig was a guest appearance on a sitcom called The Urbz.

sims 4 urbz acting gig

The Sims 4’s flavor text is beyond compare!

sims 4 urbz acting set

Henry acted his little heart out again. He hit all his marks and took a lot of risks, and they all paid off. Good work, Henry!

It was time for the twins’ birthday party when he arrived home. I was determined to host the girls’ party somewhere other than their house. I also wanted to be sure they each had their own birthday cake. As an only child, I always felt like it was unfair to expect twins to share everything. Let them have their own cakes, dammit!

Unfortunately, this meant I had to spend an entire real-world hour micromanaging the baking process:

  1. Tell Henry to bake a cake.
  2. Henry got distracted. Tell Henry to resume baking the cake.
  3. Henry got distracted again. Tell Henry to resume baking the cake again.
  4. Tell Henry to put the completed cake on the table, then immediately put it into his inventory.
  5. Too slow! Another Sim grabbed a slice of the cake before Henry put it into his inventory.
  6. Tell Henry to bake a second cake.
  7. Henry got distracted. Tell Henry to resume baking the cake.
  8. Extinguish the kitchen fire. Replace the oven.
  9. Tell Henry to bake a third cake.
  10. Henry got distracted. Tell Henry to resume baking the cake.
  11. etc
sims 4 eating birthday cake

By the time I successfully had two baked cakes in Henry’s inventory, I was in such a state that Marshall checked in on me.

“Are you okay?” He asked.

“I’m fine, but I want the girls to have cake for their birthday, and I keep baking cakes, and he keeps getting distracted and,” cue a long, frustrated rant.

This is what it’s like to live with a Sims player. Sorry, Marshall! Go back to judging horse clothes and leave me out of it.

I chose the Discotheque Pan Europa in Windenberg as the birthday party venue. Time to blow out the candles, and please take extra time to appreciate the cake, dear! I put a lot of work into it!

sims 4 blowing out birthday candles

Please note Molly Jr.’s hand-knit socks. She knit them herself!

sims 4 blow out birthday candles

Molly III’s cake picture turned out goofy-looking. My first impulse was to not post it because it’s so unflattering.

Then I remembered these aren’t real people. So here you go.

I hired a DJ specifically so that everyone could dance after having cake. But like most professional event services you hire in The Sims 4, the DJ completely flaked on his job.

sims 4 empty dance floor

I eventually managed to get the music turned on.

sims 4 awkward dance party

What good is a dance party if it doesn’t end with everyone standing around the dance floor looking awkward?

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