Welcome back, Margo!

I should save this post for the next week for maximum dramatic effect. But Margo’s death made me too damn sad, and I can’t just leave you all hanging like that. Plus, I recently had a real-life pet health scare, and it put me off the mood of wanting to draw out pet death drama.

Sidebar: I rushed Autumn to the nearest emergency vet, 180 miles away, for what turned out to be a pancreatitis attack. Luckily, I caught it early enough that she recovered quickly, although she had to spend the night at the ER. She’s home now, passed her re-check with flying colors, and is back to her usual shenanigans.

Anyway, back to the resurrection of my imaginary video game cat, Margo!

I sent Henry to the nearest vet’s office. They have a vending machine in the lobby which sells Ambrosia Treats for $2500.

sims 4 vet vending machine pet ambrosia treat

Very convenient! I wish that was a real thing. (Oops, I made myself sad again. Moving on…)

sims 4 cuddling ghost cat

Look how cute Margo is, even as a ghost!

sims 4 feed pet ambrosia treat

Henry fed Margo the Ambrosia Treat.

sims 4 ghost cat turning back to life

She did a quick pounce-and-swirl…

sims 4 cat resurrected from the dead

… And presto, back to life!

After this, I immediately went to the game settings and turned off “Animal Aging” so this wouldn’t happen again.

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