That time The Sims 4 almost made me barf

This session, I checked off two items from the Sims “24 While 24” checklist challenge: Woohoo with Vladislaus Straud (a.k.a. “Vladdy Daddy”) and – puke face emoji – Dumpster Woohoo.

I have been dreading Dumpster Woohoo ever since I saw this checklist. It’s the first thing that jumped out at me.

I have contamination OCD, you see, so anything related to dumpsters is a red flag for me. Just thinking about the smell of a dumpster makes me feel queasy. Touch a dumpster with my bare hand? No thanks. I’ll use a napkin, a burger wrapper, the garbage bag, even pull down my sleeve and use that – anything to avoid touching a dumpster.

The thought of jumping into a dumpster full of garbage, taking off at least some of your clothes, and having WooHoo? Absolutely not. Hard pass.

But here we are.

sims dumpster woohoo with vladdy daddy

I made myself watch because ERP is a fundamental part of my OCD treatment, but it wasn’t easy.

dumpster woohoo with vladislaus straus

When the piles of trash flew out of the dumpster (due, one presumes, to their vigorous WooHoo), I almost lost it. I had to pause the game, look away, and take a few breaths. I’m uncomfortable but safe is my mantra in these situations. Uncomfortable but safe.

post dumpster woohoo

Imagine my relief when it was over. I immediately switched to Build/Buy mode and deleted the dumpster. This is one of the worst video game challenges I’ve ever done. Yay me? Yay me!

sims 24 while 24 checklist

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