As I watched Alanna finish her hair and makeup for a Vladislaus Hardware commercial, I realized she shouldn’t be an actor. Sad Hotdog Costume Girl should be a YouTuber!

I still made her finish the commercial, though. I’ve had the Sims 4 Get Famous expansion pack since it was released, but I hadn’t sent a Sim to an acting gig until now.

It’s a fun process, chocked full with all sorts of little bits of hilariously silly stuff.

At some point, I want to send a Sim through the entire Acting career because I can tell there’s a lot of good content there.
But not today.

Alanna has the Angry and Evil traits, so I assume she will dedicate her channel to ranting about stuff. I spent several real-life hours testing different setups and locations for Alanna’s video content creation area.
Then I remembered: the basement.
I built the basement fairly recently. And yet, I can’t remember why I created it or why I installed a vault down there. Imagine my surprise when I found Alanna’s annoying brother Tory asleep in the vault I forgot existed.

Although this does answer the question of where Tory has been sleeping.
I never assigned him an actual bed because I don’t like him, and I hope he moves out. I never see him sleeping on any of the couches or benches, and now I know why. He has been sneaking down to the basement to sleep on a massive pile of cash.
Mystery solved, I guess.
Anyway, I set up a nice filming area in one corner.

I built a sleeping area, galley kitchen, and bathroom in the other three corners of the basement. And a couch! Such luxury!

I also bought her a fleet of drones she can use for streaming. And what better way to kick-start your streaming career than by streaming your own blind date?

I had high hopes for this blind date. But after Alanna insulted him for the third time (before they even got inside the restaurant), he abruptly ended the date and left. I didn’t know they could do that!

I spent the rest of the night having Alanna stream herself insulting various strangers. Sadly, no one started a fight with her. Maybe next time!