Baby milestones and new homes

Nothing about nannies makes sense. After all the trouble I’ve had with the nanny, this time around, he randomly dismissed himself after three weeks on the job.

sims 4 nanny quit

But $199 is a good deal for three weeks of round-the-clock baby care.

Baby Xenk continued to hit his milestones. At this rate, he’s going to get an excellent quarterly performance review! He tried new foods, sat up on his own, pulled himself up to stand, and started learning how to walk.

I’ve been feeling bored about their current house, so I was intrigued when EA updated a bunch of the Townie houses in Willow Creek and Oasis Springs. I was instantly smitten by this house’s redesign and moved them right in.

sims 4 move into a new house in oasis springs

I can’t figure out where to put the kitchen, though. This is bothering me more than it should. It’s probably my OCD (clinically diagnosed and medicated) nagging me, so I’m trying not to let it get to me.

sims 4 new house remodel oasis springs

Two things sold me on this house: The gorgeous lighting effects from that big wall of windows on the left.

sims 4 lighting effects sunlight

And this central open-air mini-courtyard situation.

sims 4 courtyard house

I also love that it’s all one floor, making it easier to keep track of everyone. But I have no idea how to decorate it (this is a problem I have in real life, too). So I’m not sure if we’ll stay or not.

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